Strategically located, geographically clustered industrial assets acquired off-market at attractive pricing present significant value when managed effectively at scale. We look for small and medium-sized properties that can provide diversified cash-flows, engaging in active asset management to build a portfolio of properties that provides a strong real growth in NOI.
Light industrial
What we do
Light industrial portfolio roll-up: value creation across multiple properties
The light industrial portfolio comprises small and medium-sized assets acquired individually and aggregated into attractive investment portfolios. The assets are often in strategic locations, geographically clustered to allow efficient property management, and consist of a strategic mix of cash flow properties and project development. After acquisition, Slättö drives asset improvement to better meet tenants’ future needs. We also develop new light industrial assets.
Through improving asset management and by engaging in tenant-focused project development, Slättö can harness the potential of each asset, driving value to create a portfolio relevant to investors. Improvements include higher energy performance through on-site renewable energy and environmental certification under Miljöbyggnad Silver or iDrift, for example.
- Acquisitions since 2018:50+
- Light industrial developments completed:16,000 sqm
- Light industrial developments ongoing or planned:14,500 sqm
Portfolio examples
Light industrial:
Roll-up strategy of logistics and light industrial properties
Building an attractive and diversified portfolio of cash-flow-oriented small and medium-sized light industrial properties. Active asset management and development enable strong real growth in net operating income. The portfolio has an ESG focus on brown-to-green conversion, green property management and solar power installation. This strategy is part of Slättö Value Add II and Core+ and has previously been exercised in Slättö Value Add I.
Lars Axelsson
Head of Logistics and Light Industrial
+46 70 2059 132